Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Vodka Vixen

Determining which approach companies lean towards can be challenging and difficult to parse out, however some advertisements are conveyed through both the consumer and company’s voice. in this case, Belvedere Vodka chose to demonstrate their product in both the company and consumers’ voice.
Belvedere vodka is located on the higher shelves than most other competition, but definitely cannot rely on their finest quality or lavish reputation since they are not known for such. The ad’s headline, “BELieVE,” implies the “too-good-to-be-true,” feeling of their vodka’s price, and more importantly, quality.
Is it the company speaking? Or is it the consumer? In my opinion, it is both. This ad can be interpreted either way, but based on the context and feeling of the ad, the consumer and company can equally be personified.
Even down to the exposure and share of the ad between the target market and the vodka itself is split 50/50. Noting that both the product and consumer share a full-circle relationship with the subheadline, “trust your instincts.”
I think the approach to delivering the message effectively by using both voices works in this instance. Vodka does not need to focus only on itself and its product, they must incorporate the markets and people who enjoy going to lavish, swanky parties and enjoy some fine-quality vodka as well.
Nor can they focus completely on the consumer or allow a transparent feeling such as the Discover Card example. Vodka companies have to show appreciation for their consumers as well as show off their superior quality to those who have developed a brand loyalty to particular lines of liquor.
I think the headline, “BELieVE,” is an excellently executed play-on-words with the name, “Belve,” for Belvedere and allows the consumer to interpret their thoughts and associations with the quality of this vodka.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Discover Transparency.


Credit card companies typically have a bad rap when it comes to hidden fees, charges, usage, limits, APR rates; the list goes on. Advertising for a credit card is not any easier than to parse out the terms and conditions of your credit statement. Discover has attempted to part the fog and wary of applying for a credit card. The full-page ad placed in a women’s magazine tries to place the company in the consumers’ shoes.

Headlining in bold, capital letters, “DO THEY CHARGE YOU IF YOU USE THE CARD? DO THEY CHARGE YOU IF YOU DON’T USE THE CARD?” demonstrates the consumer’s thought process by acting as the confused and skeptical applicant. The following subhead, “ENOUGH,” attempts to inform the audience that a solution has been found and they are here to shout it.

The body copy then informs the reader should switch to the Discover More card today to benefit from the zero fees, zero reward redemption fee, etc. Sounds like a pretty good deal from the consumer’s perspective, and gives you the comforting feeling that they too understand the skepticism of a credit card application.

People who tend to use credit cards and selecting a credit card in which benefits are reaped, are more heavy users and high-involvement oriented. Chances are, people with one credit card, typically have multiple and might not be skeptical and aware of its hidden fees.

In this case, Discover excellently tries to “be the consumer,” and they definitely succeed. The stigma and stereotypes of credit cards are hard to break away from, but by allowing the transparent and coexisting understanding of what keeps people from purchasing or even owning a credit card can put some consumer’s minds at ease.

I think there is not a better approach to advertise a credit card than by using the consumers’ voice in terms of concerns and hesitation. They really dive the message home by demonstrating their awareness of the concerns among the public and credit card usage.